Thursday, October 1, 2020

English 252 class october 1st 2020

 Mr Van Daan 

Mrs Van Daan 

Anna doesnot like  Mr Van Daan 

Peter Van Daan son of Mr Van Dann 

he was very nice but he was very quiet

why they were hiding too? 

German Jewish  ( that is Dutch  Name ) his father was Dutch  ( the parents were both Jewish ) Dutch Jewish and Mother is German Jewish 

Peter is a quiet guy same age with Margot 

she doesn't like much peter 

Mr Albert Dussel  ( Dussel = meaning idiot ) he is a dentist when he was in Germany

Mr Dussels He has his wife , she lived outside 

Kraler( Helper)  He was from ( Austria ) He came to Netherland work for Mr Frank 


Miep come from same country  She speak Dutch , German ( She is from Austria) 

She also great helper 

Elli Voskuiji

She comes up during lunch 

she work at office 

Henk Gies( husband of Miep )

 4 helper help them shopping , cook for them 

Dutch and German differences 

Grammar in Dutch is more difficult 

it was translated to 60 language 

it is a first person

 talking exactly what she experiences 

you can talk about the benefit of the diary ( story) 

Skit  ( play by a group ) normally play as a group in campus 

you can talk about Amsterdam

You can talk about Frankfurt

 you can use power point

If you speak clearly and 

Use Material very well 

if you have power point 

you are not stopping 

you can talk about diary 

any thing that you need 

the time of story of world war II
five minute 

if more than 10 minute mark 0

any pages that you find interesting page 30 to 60 

one to 60 


He was the leader of Germany 

He doen't like Jewish people 

will show you video about annex

until mid term you don't need to give it to me until nextweek

two paragraph

first paragraph is a summary 


anna had a birthday she got alot of present

 she got some book sweet 

her favourite present was the diary

second paragraph is a personal reflection  you can write about what you read

thats it 

I will collect the journal about the time of mid term  

You can read anything as you want as long as english 

why we made poor decicisin 

second paragraph

sometimes are make good decision and sometimes are make bad decision

you don't have to write that much 

she was reading another book


writing a summary

her response was about world war II 

at least world war II 

they use plane as a bomb

they were very brave people 

the pilot die 

the summary and response 

four sentence for each paragraph 

in my opinion 

any  question 

any topic or 

it can be something that you read online 

any topic 

not just about only diary

talking about the news 



1933 they move to Amsterdam 

Jewish people are very hard time to live in Germany

Germany in 1939 was begining at world war II in Europe 

1939 begining of world war II in Europe

1939 went to check republic and Astria 

1940 ANNA is 11 years old 

things get very  difficult for her

she cannot ride bicycle 

she cannot take bus 

now she is in hiding 

a year later they go to Denmark , Norway , Belgium ,France 

Germany is all over the place 1941 Germany goes into Russia 


Why the German not go to United Kingdom

They wanted to go to another 

Mr Frank he wanted to go to USA

They have quota 

certain amount of people they were allow 

not going to take more than 10000 they couldnot get to that country 

Netherland also a safe country

UK is kind of far away

kind of away 

littler easier for them to go to that country

they try 

they wanted to invasion 

you have to put all your equipment 

Germany was never ever able to go 

10 minutes of moive Annex life 

before she had hid 

kind of normal person life 

it is interesting 

next week we are going to do alot more on history

anna coming up with a bicycle 

this is the actually 

she still pretty free and happy



too much 

not enough Mr Van daam 

Mrs Frank 





too dangerous for her live in germany

german are not there yet so they still safe 

the grandma was dead before they went hiding 

The movie name anna frunk the whole story

we have some times '

long men

how the picture can tell you about the title 

stevejob innovation

stevejob about career 

stevejob his achievement 

iphone ipad 


create something new


No one 




just kind of interesting information

attended and expensive school

he went to 


went to private high school


he didnot finish 

he drop out 


he left early and he went back 


all of them came from middle class 

steve job came from lower middle job


professional preparaiton 


they make alot of money

except from steve job

same page 

1 which personal 

out of the ordinary ,extraordinary 

not a normal life 

such a good business 

he drop out of college after taking six 

eventhough he 

anyone or anything tell him to do 

he didnot evenknow

he felt bad 

he didnot know what he want to do 

required courses 

alot of ocuntry 

you are learning just your major 

in United states you still have to take some courses arts , humanity

UCLA languange 

science and history have to take

they could see the steve was really smart

they they made me feel special 

very independent 




vocabulary of Anne Frank Diary page 1 to 30

 Young are not afraid of telling the truth 

one of the wisest and most moving commentaries on wars

it impact on human beings that i have ever read 


hiding 8 peoplefor two years from Nazis

during occupation of Holland 

living in constant fear and isolation 

imprisoned not only by the terrible outwards circumstances of war 

ping-pongers are very partial to an ice cream

finish up with a visit to the nearest ice cram shop 

those people never gave up 

which emerges so vividly 

so appealingly  from this book 

matured very rapidly in these two years 

the crucial year of 13 and 15 in which change is so swift and so difficult for every yound girl

Sustained by her warmth and her wit 

her intelligence 

the rich resources of her life 

very sensitive and very adolescents 

without the threat of dead 

write her relations with parents 

her developing awareness 

the problems of growing up 

there are thought and expression of a young girl 

living under extraordinary condtion 

I hope that you will be great support and comfort to me 

12 june 1929 she was born

no wonder it was her birthday 

she was not allowed to get up at that hour 

so i had to control my curiosity

until the quarter to seven 

under her present 


her school friend thoroughly enjoyed 

we had a lovely time 

i want to bring out all kinds of things that lie burried deep inside my heart 

There is saying that paper is more patient than man 

melancholy day

i sat chin in had 

feeling too bored 

the reason she started writing diary because she has no such real friend 

a girl herself quite alone in the world 

she has a darling of parents and a sister of sixteen 

peep at me through mirrors in class 

i have relations aunts and uncles who are darlings,

a good home 

i don't seem to lack anything 

just fun and joking 

nothing more 

the root of the trouble 


Perhaps i lack confidence 

stubborn fact 

as we are jewish we emigrated to Holland 

in 1933 


The firm of Kolen & Co


full impact of Hitler's anti jewish laws 

so life filled with anxiety

1938 her mother's brother escaped to USA

Her grandmother was seventy three 

after first world war followed by Germans 

Jew must wear a yeallow star 

Jew must hand in their bicycles 

Jews are forbidden to drive 

Jews are allowed to shop between 3 to 5pm

Jews must be indoors by 8pm cannot even sit in their own gardens 

Jews may not take public sports , transport, tennis corts , hockey fields and other sport grounds are prohibited to them 

1934 sent to Montessori kindergarten 

we both wept

it was very sad 

1941 Jewish secondary school 

June 20 1942 

I have been playing ping poing alot myself lately .

i have been driving road trip alot myself lately.

we could devour in a week 


nine out of tentimes 

sunday 21 june 1942

some absolute cuckoos  


i had gone through difficult life 

where jews are allowed 


  making a loud, confused noise; uproarious.