Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Diary of Anne Frank page 30 to 60

 just had a big

for the umpteenth time 

we simply get on together there s day urst up with mummy these days and Margot and I don't hit if off any too well either . 

As a rule we don't go for such outbursts as this in our family.

Still, its by no means always pleasant for me . 

Margots's and Mummy natures are completely strange to me . 

I can understand my friends better than my own mother too bad 

We often discuss post war problem for example how one ought to address servants 

Mrs Van Dann had another tantrum.

She is terribly moody. She keeps hiding more of her private belongings.

Mummy ought to answer each Van Den disappearance with Mr Frank disappearance .

How some people do alone bringing up other people children in addition to other own the Van Dans are that kind . Margot doesn't need it  she is such a goody goody perfection itself , but i seem to have enough mischief in me for the two of us put together.  You should hear us  at mealtimes, with reprimands and cheeky answer flying to and fro. 

Mummy and daddy always defend me stoutly 


  1. in a brave and determined way
    • ‘I disagree,’ said Polly stoutly.

I have to give up if it weren't for them.
Although they do tell me that i must not talk so much. that i must be more retiring and not poke my nose into everything, still I doomed to failure  
If Daddy was not so patient, i would be afraid I was going to turn out to be a terrific disappointment to my parents and they are pretty lenient with me


not as strict as expected when punishing somebody or when making sure that rules are obeyed
  • a lenient sentence/fine
  • The judge was far too lenient with him.

If I take a small helping of some vegetable i detest and make up with potatoes, the Van Daans and Mevrouw in particular , cannot get over it that and any child should be so spoiled. 

Come along Anne , have a few more vegetables . she says straight away

No, thank you . Mrs. Van Dann I answer . I have planty of potatoes 

Vegetables are good for you , your mother says so too. Have a few more. She says , pressing then on me until Daddy come me to rescue.

Then we have from Mrs. Van  Dann You ought to have been in our home , we were properly brought up. Its absurd (

extremely silly; not logical and sensible ) ကတ္သီးကတ္သတ္ႏိုင္ေသာ  that Anne so frightfully spoiled.I would not put up with it if Anne were my daughter.

These are always her first and last words , if Anne were my daughter . Thanks heavens I am not.

But more come back to this upbringing business . There was a deadly silence after Mrs Van Daan had finished speaking yesterday. Then Daddy said " I think Anne extremely well brought up. She has learned one thing anyway. an that is to make no reply to your long sermons . (
ရွည္ရွည္ေဝးေဝးဆိုျမည္ေတာက္တီးပညာေပးျခင္း။ လက္ခ်ာရိုက္ျခင္း။ ေဒသနာျမြက္ၾကားျခင္း။ ျမည္တြန္ေတာက္တီးသည္။ လက္ခ်ာရိုက္သည္။) 

As to the vegetables , look at your own plate. Mrs Van Daan was beaten , well and truly beaten.

She had taken a minute helping of vegetables herself

 But she is not spoiled . Oh, no too many vegetables in the evening make her constipated. Why on earth doesnot she keep her mouth shut about me, then she owuld not need to make such terrible excuses . its gorgeous the way Mrs Van Dan blushes I don't and that is just what she hates 

 page 32 

Monday 28 September 1942 

Dear Kitty , 

I had to stop yesterday, long before I would finished I just must tell you about another quarrel , but before I start that something else . 

Am I really so bad mannered , conceited ကိုယ္႔ကိုယ္ကိုယ္ အထင္ၾကီးျခင္း။ ဘဝင္ျမင့္ျခင္း။ ေသြးၾကီးျခင္း။ (စာေပ) အတင္အျပ၊ စိတ္ကူးစိတ္သန္း ေကာင္းမြန္မႈ။ head strong , all say? etc as they pushing , stupid ,lazy faults . Oh of course not ,I have my

 faults just like everyone else .I know that but they thoroughtly exaggerate everything . 

Kitty , if only  you knew how I sometimes boil under so many gibes and jeers . And i don't know how long i shall be able to stifle my range . I shall just blow up one day.




gibe verb
Still , no more of this , i have bored you long enough with 
 all this quarrels . But i simply must tell you one highly interesting
discussion at table. 
Somehow or other, we got on to the subject of Pim's Daddy 's nick name extreme modesty. 
Even the most stupid people have to admit this about daddy. Duddenly Mrs Van Daan says , I too have an assuming nature , more so than my husband.
Dis you ever ! 
This sentence in itself show quite clearly how thoroughly forward and pushing she is 
Mr Van Dan was scarlet နီရေသာ။ နီနီရဲရဲ။ နီျမန္းေသာ by this time. 
Mummy calm and cool as a cucumber . 
People who blush get so hot and excited ,it is quite a handicap in such a situation.  Mummy still entirely unruffled but anxious to close the conversation as soon as possible , thought for a second and then  said . I find too Mr Van Daan that one gets on better in life if one is not overmodest. My husband , now and Margot , Anne , you and I though not exactly the opposite side ,Mr Van Daan But Mrs Frank I don't understand you , I am so very modest and retiring . How can you think of calling me anything else? Mummy " I did not say you were exactly forward , but no one could say you were exactly forward , but no one could say you had a retiring disposition . Mrs Van Daan . Let us get this matter cleared up , once and for all . I ;d like to know in what way I am pushing ? I know one thing , If i did not look after my self, i would soon be starving.

Tuesday , 29 September 1942 

until she became completely tongue-tie: 
then she rose from her chair 
Places of their shower 

Peter uses the kitchen in spite of its glass door . 
we must not walk pass the kitchen for half an hour.
to have the seclusion of his own room
Margot and I  has choose the front of office for our scrub
we wash ourselves in the semidarkness 
have the light on lock the door  
not being able to speak  


  making a loud, confused noise; uproarious.