Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Challenges of Virtual Learning During Pandemic


Last Name       : ----------------

Name               : ----------------

Instructor         :-----------------

Course Name  : EWRT D01AS (reflective essay)

Date                 : 03 /22/ 2022


Challenges of Virtual Learning During Pandemic

Covid-19 pandemics had changed normalcy which impact our personal daily life. People had faced many difficulties because all daily life activities were changed such as shelter in place, wearing mask, limited gathering activities, lost the social life. School, shopping, consulting with the teacher and counselor, doctor consultation, ordering food which converted to virtual system. Unfortunately, I laid off from work because of pandemic which total impact my income and dealing with stressful situation. It is hard to cope without going out, and refrain ourselves stay at home. Even though we cannot go out and we had to find our way to live ourselves happy. We tried make a video call to friend and family stay connected and spread our joy.

Because of pandemic all the school are convert to online learning system. I found the advantages and disadvantages from online learning. At the beginning of online learning system, I had a hard time because I am not familiar and how to use zoom effectively. I did not like the online learning system because we cannot have face to face interaction with friend liked school campus. The disadvantages are after zoom session finished all the students were going offline very fast. Even if I want to ask about assignment, I had to send email to my friend and waiting until they reply. It is hard for me to adjust online learning system. Compared to in person class, I can ask the professor and discuss with other student at the same time. Another reason that I don’t like the zoom class because I had wait until the other student finish talking. Online student feedback is limited as we can ask the teacher one student at a time. Although I don’t really like online learning system when the time passed, I was feel comfortable and familiar taking the online class.  Finally, I can find a way to communicate using virtual online network, using chat application and made a group discussion. The benefit of online learning system is I don’t need to drive to school it save the time and money. I can stay home spend time with family, can have more time on my study. When trying to view in positive way because of pandemic I can save more time, gained knowledge how to use the virtual technology effectively. Though our daily life does not go back to normalcy we can find the best way to deal the pandemic.


In the past quarter, I had given up many classes when I had a hard time to write. When I signed up the EWRT class, I was not confident enough myself. I was hesitated asked myself many times can I do it or can I able to manage my assignment? I am not good at writing but when taking this EWRT class at the beginning I am still lost my idea where to start and what to write. I was a slow learner, but I tried to read the paragraph and article in different way which make me easier to understand. My different reading strategy that I scanned the paragraph and paste in the audio application I listened and read multiple time. After reading a lot of reading lesson and participate in the discussion it’s make me a lot of improvement and gain the idea how to write and response the discussion.

Annotating the article and summary help improve my reading and writing skill. When doing the annotation paragraph that help me deeper understanding of passages and it’s encouraged me to read more that’s help progress my writing proficient in learning vocabulary. While taking EWRT class I had made a lot of improvement. I really like the annotating and participate the discussion session that progress my thinking and writing skill.

Student success center has many benefits for the student. Beside taking EWRT1AS class, attending workshop at student success center help improving my English vocabulary, develop essay paragraph, idea, strategies and manage time writing. I strongly recommend to my friend attending workshop is very useful for the English learner student. At workshop I gained many different idea and strategies from the student who are taking the different level of English class. It is very useful I love to go every week and participate their discussion.

According to Garrison & Vaughn, mentioned in the article that “Hybrid learning combines the properties and possibilities of both [face-to-face classrooms and online learning] to go beyond the capabilities of each separately. It recognized the strengths of integrating verbal and text-based communication and creates a unique fusion of synchronous and asynchronous, direct, and mediated modes of communication in that the proportion of face-to-face and online learning activities may vary considerably” (6). I also like the hybrid course because attending in person and online class student can get a lot of benefit. Student can get both social interaction and learning with virtual technology. To conclude hybrid learning system provides flexibility in learning for both students and teachers that’s why I really like the most.



Post 1-2 Paragraphs from the essay you are revising here for feedback.

Post 1-2 Paragraphs from the essay you are revising here for feedback.

11 unread reply.11 reply.

Post 1 or 2 paragraphs from the essay that you are revising that has some substantive changes to it -- places where you did some editing and added research material/additional support.

1)  Include which essay.

2) Include the paragraph -- and if that paragraph is an intro, PIE or conclusion.

3) Make sure your changes are underlined or highlighted.

4) Ask us a question or make a comment about your newly revised paragraph.

Please reply to ONE of your classmates, especially those who have not received feedback yet! Replies allowed to 6/18/21

 Furthermore, when it comes to families, nothing is really more important than the children, just like at schools. And just like at schools, children should be properly guided throughout their lives. Children living in families should not be raised in an environment in which the idea of genders are nonexistent or are complicated to conform to social ideologies that stand against the status quo. “Canadian Mother Raising ‘Genderless’ Baby, Storm, Defends Her Family’s Decision” is an article by Linsey Davis and Susan Donaldson James and it talks about how a baby named Storm is being raised in a “genderless environment.” Storm’s parents have decided to keep their child’s gender hidden until Storm is older and to raise Storm and the other children in an environment where the idea of gender is not expressed. While many child development experts praise the controversial choice of Storm’s parents, there are some that disagree, such as Dr. Eugene Beresin, who is a director of training in child and adolescent psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital, “‘To raise a child not as a boy or a girl is creating, in some sense, a freak [. . .] It sets them up for not knowing who they are [. . .] To have a sense of self and personal identity is a critical part of normal healthy development [. . .] Identity formation is really critical for every human being and part of that is gender [. . .] There are many cultural and social forces at play.’” (14-21). Dr. Eugene Beresin's point clarifies how gender identity is vital for children to develop. Parents should not try to create an environment absent of genders, but should instead support children and the gender they are born with. In an article written by Patricia Edmonds, “Helping Families Talk About Gender,” she exemplifies the importance that gender identities and roles play in shaping a child’s personality. She explains how parents should introduce gender to their children, “What parents can do: All children need the opportunity to explore different gender roles and styles of play. Ensure your young child’s environment reflects diversity in gender roles and opportunities for everyone.” (3). While it's important to support the gender of a child that they were born with, it is also important to enlighten children of the opposite gender. If children aren’t knowledgeable about the opposite gender, then they start developing unrealistic thoughts and usually develop some resentment towards the opposite gender. In Lisa Belkin’s “What is Good for the Kids,” she brings up in her article that homosexual parenting doesn’t have major effects on children and in some way are better than hetrosexual parenting. One of the cases that Belkin provides is how, “lesbian mothers [. . .] tend not to divide chores and responsibilities according to gender-based roles, Goldberg says, ‘because you have taken gender out the equation. There's much more fluidity than in many heterosexual relationships.’” (13). Belkin’s notion is that the more reduction there is of gender-based roles, the better it is for children. However the exception is that not all gender-based roles are inherently bad for boys and girls. There are many things boys and girls naturally like to do and don’t like to do. It’s similar to how most men don’t mind seeing gory images, but girls do mind. Gender is as important in families as it is in school, which is why gender must not be kept away from households. Instead, parents should be actively informing their children on what gender is and how it applies to them.


      making a loud, confused noise; uproarious.