Thursday, April 28, 2022

No License Plates Here: Using Art to Transcend Prison Walls


SOLEDAD, Calif. — More than most artists, the men who gather twice a week for mural class in the B Facility are accustomed to darkness.

But the scene they are creating — a tropical rain forest — requires color and light, elements in short supply at Salinas Valley State Prison.

“I don’t have much of a legacy,” Jeffrey Sutton, who is serving 41 years for armed robbery, said of his life. “This is something positive that helps me focus on getting out,” he added, daubing flecks of green onto the leaves of a jungle vine.

Upward global


IT BOTHERS MATTHEW LAHUE and it surely bothers you: enter a public restroom and the stall lock is broken. 

Fortunately, Mr. Lahue has a solution. (creative idea)

 It’s called the Bathroom Bodyguard. (of course if you have friend or pet you can do that)

Standing before his Buffalo State College classmates and professor, Cyndi Burnett, Mr. Lahue displayed a device he concocted from a large washer, metal ring, wall hook, rubber bands and Lincoln Log. 

Slide the ring in the crack and twist. The door stays shut. Plus, the device fits in a jacket pocket.

The world may be full of problems, but students presenting projects for Introduction to Creative Studies have uncovered a bunch you probably haven’t thought of. Elie Fortune, a freshman, revealed his Sneaks ’n Geeks app to identify the brand of killer sneakers you spot on the street. 

 Jason Cathcart, a senior, sported a bulky martial arts uniform with sparring pads he had sewn in. No more forgetting them at home.

“I don’t expect them to be the next Steve Jobs or invent the flying car,” Dr. Burnett says. “But I do want them to be more effective and resourceful problem solvers.” Her hope, she says, is that her course has made them more creative. 

 can able to create available resorces .



Once considered the product of genius or divine inspiration, creativity — the ability to spot problems and devise smart solutions — is being recast as a prized and teachable skill. 

Pin it on pushback against standardized tests and standardized thinking, or on the need for ingenuity in a fluid landscape.



sew sewed sewed sweing tailored 
sewing machine

sew something 

sew up a seam 

sew up a deal 

Thesis 4 Thoy


Thesis: Men living their life to the stereotype of being the strongest 

will find themselves stuck to a lifestyle trying to impress others giving themselves

 no time to develop a personal identity of themselves.

 There are many solutions to this issue, however, many of the solutions are 

unproductive that only cause more damage to men and the few good solutions are

 being neglected. 

Point 1: Men stuck to this stereotype find themselves living a life to impress others

Point 2: Men stuck to this stereotype give themselves no time to develop a 

personalities for themselves

Point 3: The solution fix this isn’t to create gender- neutral environments and 

eliminating the construct of gender, but to provide young boys the resources

 necessary to become good men.

Group: How do these 3 Points connect? How? Why?

Thesis 3



Point 1: Females need to be decorated in order to be beautiful/feminine.  

Point 2: Males to be the providers/breadwinner.

Point 3: Expectation that females need to look sexy to be consider beautiful  

Group: How do these 3 Points connect? How? Why?

Thesis 2


Thesis: There is a gender code that says that men who show emotion are weak. This is false, but it is more destructive because of the emotional damage it has on young boys and men alike, and the implementation of this gender code in all aspects of society such as the school or workplace. As a result, this gender code needs to be abolished

Point 1: When looking at the harmful effects that gender code enforcement can cause, it is important to highlight the code that males are seen as weak if they show emotion, and the incalculable damage that this causes.

Point 2: When observing the gender code depicting men as weak when showing emotion, it can be shocking to see how this gender code affects numerous other aspects of interaction involving males.

Point 3: A final reason concerning the destructiveness and need for the dismantlement of male gender codes concerning weakness and emotion is the impact that this gender code has in places such as school, or the workplace, and the relationship skills that men develop.

Group: How do these 3 Points connect? How? Why?

Thesis 1 sample ( student1)


Thesis: Enforcing what girls and boys can or can’t play with brings about unhealthy gender standards, unnecessary division, and limited freedom of expression.   

Point 1: People’s preconceptions of what girls and boys should play have created unhealthy gender standards that fosters a very toxic mindset about how to view oneself

Point 2: Telling boys and girls who and what they should play with creates unwarranted division between children of both genders

Point 3: Children should be allowed to express themselves freely with what they enjoy to play with.

Group: How do these 3 Points connect? How? Why? 

Examples: Division by gender at an early age may lead children to the more “extreme” aspects of gender, running the risk of preventing children from playing with, or behaving in ways, that they prefer (or feel most at home in).  

Cause-effect type of connection. The division of playing with only certain toys sets the chain in motion, resulting in exaggerated behavior which may feel less true to children.

Connection Types for Points → Thesis


1.      Cause – effect/result

2.       Effect/result – cause

3.       Contradiction/Opposition

4.       Complication (supports, but only under certain conditions)

5.       Support  - providing a detailed example or expert opinion

6.       Common idea underneath - may not be directly stated


  making a loud, confused noise; uproarious.