Showing posts with label Reference. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reference. Show all posts

Monday, April 18, 2022

copy Happiness Essay promp



Write an essay on ONE of the topics below. Whichever option you choose, please bring in ideas from multiple readings/any videos I assigned and from your classmates on the Google Doc. Remember, you can use quotes to support your arguments, or you can use them as possible counterarguments. Also, as you explain your points, please give specific examples from your own life or examples you have seen in the world.

Also be sure to present and respond to counterarguments throughout your essay. You can find counterarguments in the readings and also in our Google Docs. 

Option 1:

What is the relationship between money and happiness?

Before you start writing, consider:

-The things that make us truly happy ... do they require money?

-Is money giving us pleasure or happiness? When we buy something we want, does it make us happy? Is it real, lasting happiness, or does the feeling wear off quickly?

-Are there ways we can spend money that will bring greater happiness?

-How can money make us less happy? Think of specific examples.

Option 2: 

Are we in control of our happiness? If so, what specific things can we do to increase our happiness?

Before you start writing, consider:

-Can we choose to be happy even if our life circumstances are difficult?

-Have you ever been unhappy even when you had good things in your life?

-Do we need other people in order to be happy?

-Are there certain external circumstances that prevent happiness?

-Can depression and anxiety prevent us from being happy even if we want to?

-Can we train our minds to be happy?

Option 3:

Should happiness be the main goal of our lives, or are there more important goals?

Before you start writing, consider:

-What other things in life are more important than happiness?

-Is the pursuit of happiness a selfish or shallow pursuit?

-Is it possible to live a happy life that has no meaning?

-Is it possible to live a meaningful but unhappy life?

-Do you agree with Emily Esfahani's Smith's views on the four pillars of meaning?

Option 4:

Is happiness a societal problem or a personal problem? In other words, does society's policies, wages, opportunities, and norms have a strong impact our happiness, or not?

Before you start writing, consider:

-Is our happiness shaped by our opportunities in life?

-Can we be happy with low wages and a lack of opportunity for careers?

-Can we be happy if we don't have adequate health care?

-Can we be happy in a society that is racist or unjust?

-Can we be happy if we go against society's norms?

Option 5: Combine some of the options above or create your own claim that connects the ideas in multiple readings about happiness. Please show me your thesis before you begin. 


-Use your introduction to explain your own definition of happiness. Remember, we wrote this definition of happiness in class.  

-Please know: your essay doesn't need to be black and white. It's fine to take a middle ground and argue that position. 

-Don't forget to include counterarguments/responses.

-Please try to draw on multiple readings to help you defend and illustrate your points. 

-Please underline or bold your thesis and your responses to counters.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

The importance of gender in early childhood education policy


Evidence shows that educators need to have gender awareness to be open to girls' and boys' choices in learning and development,
 help children explore who they are, and 
make connections to people around them, as well as gain self-confidence, well-being, peer acceptance, and social support.Nov 5, 2018 

What are gender related topics?
Most controversial gender topics
  • How do gender misconceptions impact behaviour?
  • Most common outdated sex-role stereotypes.
  • How does gay marriage influence straight marriage?
  • Explain the role of sexuality in sex-role stereotyping.
  • Role of media in breaking sex-role stereotypes.


    Purpose of that section

    P = POINT

    What is the point of the paragraph? What claim is being made? This is your topic sentence.


    Most of the parents ride the kid's emotion of their kids based on the gender.


    Where is the point supported with specific experiences, quotes, data or other material? 

    This is your evidence used to support/develop the point…


    1. Bratz dolls: exaggerated eye make up, big lips, styled hair, which most women don’t have




      "The Mask You Live In " Joe Ehrmann mentioned in the film that " my earliest memory was my father bringing me down to my mother's basement, put up his hands and teaching me how to throw jabs and punches. It was there that he gave me those three words: " Be a man . Stop with the tears , stop with the emotions.If you are going to be a man in this world , you better learn how to dominate and control people and circumstances."


      Brenda Hunter’s comment about the forced maturity these dolls promote, in Eve Pearlman’s article “Families and Parents Help Girls Go Beyond Stereotypes”: “Brenda Hunter, executive director of Conejo Valley Neighbor-hood for Learning [observes] “You see leopard skin outfits for five-year-olds—parents say they have a hard time finding good choices. (Girls) get really caught up in appearance, bringing out a ‘sexual object’ approach before they even know what that means. I don’t want to see a little five-year-old shaking her bootie” (paragraph 11).


    Where does the writer elaborate, evaluate, interpret or explain why or how this information connects to the point?  What does the information provided mean? (where the writer analyzes the point)


    1. How does that facial appearance make women feel like they need to put on a front? Because the only way to look like Bratz dolls is by re-constructing a face, which means that their own face is not enough. (Need to explain more - this is just the gist)

    2. As Hunter suggests, the changes these girls make to look like the dolls pushes them into maturity they are not ready for. (Need to explain more - this is just the gist)


    Here we will brainstorm as many gender codes/expectations/rules/misconceptions/stereotypes as we can to generate possible ideas to pursue in the essay:


    Codes/rules/expectations for males:


    ·       Males are soft if they are sensitive


    ·       Men must always be tough to be a manly man


    ·       Males must be the providers/breadwinners


    ·       Males can’t like to read or write because it’s not considered tough


    ·       Males can’t show emotions because that would be a sign of weakness






    Codes/rules/expectations for females:

    ·       Women need to look sexy in order to be beautiful.

    ·       Girls should always be polite.

    ·       Females need to be decorated in order to be beautiful or feminine.







    Codes/rules/expectations for folks who are non-binary:


    ·       People who identify as nonbinary are confused.

    ·       People who are nonbinary had a traumatic childhood.

    ·       Males who like female trappings are gay.


  making a loud, confused noise; uproarious.