Thursday, November 18, 2021

Writing assignment 3

 Writing Assignment #3: 

We will do peer review of WA #3, paragraph #1 and the introductory paragraph during class on Tuesday, November 16.  We will do peer review of WA #3, paragraph #2 during class on Thursday, November 18. Be sure to have your first draft ready for peer review. The final draft of the writing assignment will be due to me by Saturday, November 27. 

Choose one of the following topics from "Grow Up? Not So Fast". 

You will write an introductory paragraph and two developmentalparagraphs on one of these topics. 

 1. After finishing university, should young adults live with their parents or should they leave home?  Why?  (You cannot write about helping parents.  The idea is that these are young adults and they have to think about their own lives. You also cannot write about getting advice from their parents.)     

  1. In your opinion, how can being a Twixter be harmful to a young adult? 
  2. In your opinion, how can being a Twixter be helpful to a young adult?


A. For the introductory paragraph:

 a. Include a hook to interest the reader.

 b. Write a thesis statement which directly responds to the prompt and contains the controlling ideas of the developmental paragraphs.

 c. Write at least 100 words. 

B. For each developmental paragraph: 

  1. Make sure it begins with a topic sentence and ends with a concluding sentence that rephrases the topic sentence.  
  2. Give both general and specific support. 
  3. Write between 200-250 words.Include word count.
  4. Be sure to edit carefully for correct grammar.
  5. Type and double-space.   
  6. Include at least two vocabulary words from any of the words you've learned this quarter from our textbook. Underline them. 
  7. Use at least two adjective clauses, two adverb clauses and two sentence connectors (however, therefore, etc).  Highlight them.


C. Also, there needs to be a transition word or phrase in the second developmental paragraph to show a connection between the paragraphs. 

D. For one paragraph, you need to include a paraphrase from the article, “Grow Up? Not So Fast”. You only need to include the last name of the author and the year the article was published. For example:  Grossman (2005) wrote that .....  Also, include a sentence which shows how your paraphrase supports your controlling idea. Include the original sentence from the article at the end of your writing assignment. 

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