may be you are reading about battle in world war to
main idea is in the first paragraph
if you find the main idea in the first paragraph
i read in Spanish
if you don't understand the whold idea
supporting detail
one of the most
supporting detail
german plane
many people in britain is very brave
main idea help you understand
have to enjoy what u are reading
the last thing after reading you reaction or your opinion reading
believe it or not
i love reading world war II book
but my opinion
war is terrible
i like the book
i am also said
German plan fly
the strongest reaction to
last week people in during world war II
somehow they survive
next person will be killed
i was so happy for the family that they survive
some kind of idea
anyone has a question before we move on
guess what the book about
the girl in who writing the book
put in jail something he is not doing
David Ellis
paul schneider ( the paster leader of the church)
this one
soldat (with uniform he is soldier) reflaction ( soldat - German word)
she had to
she is at 13 writing about different country and people getting along
she almost 15 when she finish her diary
one more little word document
somemore reading tip
never finish the book if you try to read every words
main idea of the sentences
is the word that you understand
u understand what u look about
if you want to just get through
this help
if you by yourself
try read it out loud
seems to help me
some people learning by audio
help you pronounce it better
reading journal
main idea of something
writing about birthday party
summary of the page
make notes in your book
it is full of note
little sticky note
i like to make note
you might want to try and read
main point
in the margin of book
you can write note there
i was before starting test
make me to remember what i have read
it would be fun
try to enjoy reading
i read book in different language
it will get easier
you will able to enjoy the reading
you love it
as a conversation
she is from Germany
she is talking to you
i think you will really like reading this book
once you learn more vocabulary
you don't have to know
information for you
i am going to introduce you
its about 28 minutes
should be explaining to you
what she is doing
we will start the movie
she was very popular
she used to be hangout with friend movie, icream
she lock up in
her new room mate
mr dussel( mr idoiot )
no light for 14 days
do avoid same old scolding
not easy being say that she was not very well behave
hiding place war
jews capture by nazis
the danger
there are german in amstadam thats why they aer dropping bomb
she had a lot of
you will see her getting matures
more grown up
you will see that she write very very well
very very talented
i can write
one of the wish was become a famous writer
green sheet
discussion question
which yo
reading from diary
now class participation
it helps to
lot of opportunity to participate
always quiz on thursday
nice thing about zoom
can zoom
this class are recorded
you can go the canvas
late assisgnment
i don't like to accept the late assignment
you will be able to turn it in ontime
i don't want you to copy on people words
i want to know
your own words
just for your information
just give me all your works
email to me
each person either abuot book or short presentation
mid term 25 and final 25
any time
are we going to do
quizzes will be
from the diary
you will not have
long mid term and final
if you do the reading you are pretty well for the quizz
just in case
worry or confuse
reading skill
help you
if you get stuck
do not need to turn in home work
home work in here
small book not here yet
next week is a practice for quizz
first two quiz for grade
do the home work
another question
did the home work ?
how do we change the email
capture the photo
write in the book
write in the book
u said take picture on each page and email at to teacher
write it on another paper
diffferent ways
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