Friday, May 6, 2022

Sample Ps + Thesis (Gender Codes)


Sample Ps + Thesis (Gender Codes)

SAMPLE Ps, a bit of I, and a THESIS:

  • Highlight Colors:
    • The part that's highlighted in yellow is the gender code 
    • The part that's highlighted in blue gives the P (point) and opinion, something to argue for.
  • For example:
    • Point:  Girls are seen as objects whose feelings or emotions don't have an effect on our society. And so what?  This needs to change as girls’ feelings can help deepen how we look at people and the world.
    • The Gender code is that girls are viewed as objects, whose feelings do not need to be considered by others.
    • The Point, or stance the writer is arguing for, is that by society acknowledging and affirming girls' feelings, our view of people and of the world can become deeper, richer, and more complex.


Sample Points

Point #1: For teen girls, many feel pressure to look super perfect all the time, completely made up with nice clothes, and for those who don't like spending a lot of time on their appearance they feel frustrated or misunderstood because they don’t adhere to these expectations.  So, this gender code for adolescent girls—that they need to look perfect all the time—is limiting and frustrating and needs to take a hike, so these young women can concentrate on more important things beyond their looks.


            --examples from Instagram and Tik Tok – specific ones with explicit + implicit

            --a quote from Eve Perlman


#2 Point might be:

Instead of sticking to the usual gender code of perfecting one’s look, girls should be helped to work on what’s inside of them – their creativity, or empathy or intelligence – so they have more depth and can share this with the world.


            --Eve Perlman’s quote about self confidence and being assertive

            --Amanda Gorman, the poet from inauguration – clearly. She is an example of cultivating            intelligence and creativity


#3 Point:  maybe something about cultivating sensitivity in teen males, going against the code that males must always be tough.  This way males might be able to vocalize their frustrations better and this might cause a decline in violence.


            --Ashanti Branch quote + Steven and Jacksen ex. from film

            --Mark Bodo too!


Now, what are these key phrases suggesting overall about gender codes?

SAMPLE THESIS:  Though gender codes or expectations have become less rigid recently, some for adolescent females and males need to emphasize healthy humans more fully, instead of putting vulnerable teens in restrictive boxes.  This way folks who are emerging as adults can do so in thoughtful ways that help them prioritize decent values that go beyond the surface.

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  making a loud, confused noise; uproarious.